Self Care Idea: Kindness
Kindness truly is self -care in motion!
This is your first step in allowing the action and thought of bringing in personal self-care to take root and grow. Simply put – your ability to become your best self-care advocate begins internally with your own thoughts of kindness towards what it is you want and need in your life – both emotionally and physically. This journey starts with your kind thoughts!
When I began my journey of seeking to become more physically fit and emotionally fit, I didn’t take action immediately. It took awhile for me to process and slowly realize what I thought was missing and what I could do going forward to find and have these. Before anything… I had to learn to become kind towards myself and my needs. I didn’t have in place then what I do now so the journey was slow and the road had many switchbacks for me to traverse.
Kindness is vital to each one of us no matter race, religion, culture, age, sex, socio economics. It is a basic need that too many of us (myself included) don’t take time to grow and as a result, do unto our own self-let alone others.
Kindness is strength and the fabric that connects and binds us. In order for us to flourish and grow we need to learn to and or become more kind and loving to our lives so, in turn, others can flourish.
A few years back, I set an intention to teach my classes and work with my personal clients with open aware kindness towards giving and making their class experience and our time together as full and caring as I could. I choose to learn how to be present from the perspective of teaching the class I would really enjoy receiving from beginning to end and showing up as a private yoga teacher and life coach completely open to them whatever this needed to feel like and be on their behalf.
Here are the “results”: My classes doubled and my clients extended their private sessions continuing on. My kindness towards them opened up their ability to grow and I received back more kindness as a result of what I placed in my group classes and with private one to one sessions.
Kindness makes magic happen in your life! When you do nice things for people, it has a ripple effect; they feel inspired to do something kind for other people.
Start with your self first by taking a moment or more of silence in a quiet space to ask what kind service can I give myself today. This may be an affirmation such as “ I am loved or I have everything I need to succeed. This may be acknowledging that you are tired and need to take a break or you need to say no to something because you are over booked, whatever this means to you!
Here is my kindness gift to you. A simple guide for you to have as a tool for your life and to share with others:
Titled – The Kindness Scale. ( Here is the original source and from where this guide has come:)
“The Kindness Scale” is taken from a book I purchased titled “Clear” Living the Life You Didn’t Dream Of”. Author: Herman J. Williams, MD (what an amazing personal story that is very inspiring!) As a result of all he has been through he created a chart among other teachings, of being kind along with other ways to living with kindness and full attention! Buy the book!!)
The Kindness Scale:
Level 1: Use basic gestures
Say Hello to a stranger
Ask someone who appears in need how they are doing
Inquire about a loved one
Compliment someone
Level 2: Take Simple Actions
Offer to put a bag in the overhead bin on an airplane.
Open a door for a stranger.
Send an “I appreciate you” letter to a friend or colleague.
When appropriate, use a gentle, comforting touch on the shoulder.
Have a positive/funny spontaneous conversation with a stranger.
Level 3: Take Involved Actions
Use your clout to help someone.
Clean up someone else’s mess.
Visit someone in the hospital.
Pay for someone’s coffee without their knowledge.
Call your parents daily.
Tell your spouse and kids you love them every day.
Level 4 Put Yourself at Risk
Perform CPR.
Donate an Organ.
Use the list as a starting point and create your own personal acts of kindness towards others as meaningful to you.