Tips for Creating a Daily Routine that Works
Ever feel that something is just “off” in your life but can’t quite nail the why? Read on! …
My daily “routine” started when I woke up after hitting the snooze button a couple of times then realizing I was now running late for work which then created a new layer of agitated morning energy dictating the next hour. And there you have it. My morning routine pre-mom days. Routine to me meant no fun, too many rules and no free time! What I had yet to learn was this: Life can be easy and breezy once I created and lived on a schedule. Having no daily routine to speak of let ”life” take over with plenty of chaos. I sat in comfort with running late and allowed procrastination in with ease.
When I became a mom, out of necessity I learned how to craft a meal and a sleep routine for my children. Some things went really well and not so well for many others. My personal life aside from motherhood was routine-less (due in part to having young children who, at any given time, had a care-need arise.)
I honestly didn’t know how to; nor did I have any type of daily or weekly routine for life basics such as meals or laundry. I was always running to the grocery store and making due. Laundry was always needing to be done. As a result, I reacted instead of responding and was constantly looking for what I knew was a better way to navigate my life.
Gradually I awakened to the fact that something was missing. Enter the slow adoption of a daily routine in my life. “Reaction to” was my status quo, “order” and “structure”… nice sounding buzz words with no real weight.
By chance, I one day heard about someone called “the FlyLady” and on the importance of a daily cleaning and decluttering routine … and why creating a daily routine mattered in the big picture of life!
Curious and interested in what this meant, I went online to her site and began that day in following her baby steps daily routine. Her site is flylady.net
Creating and following a daily routine brought order and calm to the week.
What I’ve come to learn is this: How I show up, and the life I get to live, is dependent on my ability to care for myself … which includes, at the top, a structured, or at least loosely structured, daily routine. Having a routine is the opposite of chaos – calming – orderly – foundational and life affirming!
Here is why daily routines work so well for most of us!
They take decision-making out of the process.
They make actions automatic.
They save time.
Free time is found and enjoyed easily and guilt free!
Practicing a personal routine is life affirming and transformational!
Suggested website: http://www.flylady.net (this site has been around for many years and teaches new routines for cleaning and decluttering)
Best Daily Routine Books
The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (before 8 am) by Hal Elrod
The Compound Effect: Jumpstart your income, your life and your success by Darren Hardy
Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy
Wake Up Successful – How to Increase Your Energy and Achieve Any Goal with a Morning Routine by Steve Scott
Act Now! A Daily Action Log for Achieving Your Goals in 90 Days -by Peter D. Winiarski
The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose by Matthew Kelly
Vision to Reality: How Short-Term Massive Action Equals Long Term Maximum Results by Honoree Cordor
23 Anti-Procrastination Habits: How to Stop Being Lazy and Overcome Your Procrastination by Steve Scott
Take Control Of Your Life: A 2-hour plan to help you set and reach your goals by Rachel Rofe
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey