Affirmations for an Abundant New Year
Happy New Year – New Decade and Shiny new month!
I’m sending each of you for a prosperous, abundant and beautiful 2020! This is your time to shine!
Enjoy these lovely affirmations – one for each day of January. If you are new to affirmations – they are self-care love and a practical lifestyle “tool” that places positive energy right in your hands and heart.
Affirmations are a powerful means of creating positive life-affirming energy to all areas of your life!
Say hello to these affirmations and use these with loving intention every day of this powerful month!
1.This very first day in January infuses me with positive radiance to all that is coming in 2020!
- I am ready for all that this new year will teach me and all that I will experience.
3. 2020 is my year to shine. I am light and bright.
- Love for myself and others is my 2020 superpower.
- I open up to personal prosperity in all areas of my life
- In 2020 kindness and abundance will take the lead in all of my life!
- My life will unfold exactly as it’s meant for me this year and I can’t wait.
- This year I choose to move into discomfort with delight. This opens the door to greater comfort and clarity.
- Great things will be achieved for me in 2020.
- I am aligned with and moving into my personal powerful purpose.
11.2020 is the year for unlimited possibilities for me.
- I already have all I need to move and prosper as this magical year unfolds.
13.By allowing myself to be happy I allow others to be happy and together we raise the positive energy in the Universe.
- I am loved and let love in with the ebb and flow!
- I breathe in peace and give peace with my presence in this brand new month.
- I am ready to see things differently and am open to new learning about myself and the world .
- Today is my day to calmly step into all of my life as it unfolds for me this year.
18.I release my old habits that no longer serve me and embrace creating and learning new habits.
- I am a clean slate with so much ready to be learned, gained and experienced in all of my life this year.
- I breathe in peace – I release calm and ease.
- Limitlessness is in my new essence and in my presence at the start of a bold new year and decade.
- I am a bold and beautiful blank canvas as I move into all that is yet to be in 2020.
23.I am doing the work to refine and polish my beautiful soul so that who I truly am shines through.
24.I move with compassion, courage, and conviction.
- I’m open and alive to all that is possible in 2020.
- I am refreshed at the start of the new year and filled with peace and calm.
- I am what I think I am. Therefore I will only think those thoughts that bring peace, harmony, and abundance into my life.
- I already have all that I need to move into the space of this incredible year and decade.
- I am an ambassador of love and kindness.
30.I choose to be a bright light in the world and see all that is positive in every situation and event
31.I am ready to step into all of 2020 with a genuine love for my highest best self and all the world.
Place use these affirmations in a special place where you can see them and use them as a guide for the month of January and all year.
Create space within your essence for inspiration, motivation, and energy by intentional use!
Be the best you so the world can enjoy the best of you!