Being encouraged and staying encouraged is a learned life practice.
The more energy and effort you create for this practice to grow within, the easier it becomes to live this. Self-encouragement is easy when good things come your way. Who are you when you struggle with work, relationships and all of life lands in your lap? Lifting yourself up and out of a disappointment or a fail is completely doable once you’ve trained your heart and mind to work together on seeking the learning and good in all – no matter the situation.
The process begins by noticing how you handle daily life encounters and conversations. Do you lean into negative thoughts that start with phrases like “should’ve, if only, why me?” Become your teacher – compassionately applying positives to counter negatives and notice any shift and change in attitude and thoughts going forward. Little by little over time will you find growth!
Lean in and gather some new ways to be and stay encouraged!
Here are 20 Tips for Staying Encouraged and Learning Encouragement:
1. Practice Gratitude
Do this daily or check in weekly with what it is you are thankful and grateful to have in your life.
2. Encourage Others
This action personally counters the habit of learned negativity when you take a moment to complement and support others.
3. Connect to You Personal Spirituality
Seek spirituality as an anchor giving you a foundation while offering encouragement in all of life.
4. Practice Self-Compassion
Are you harder on yourself than others? Give yourself the same care and kindness you give to others.
5. Give
Giving time, positive energy, material things etc. is a natural way of feeling encouraged by doing good.
6. Adopt Abundance Thinking
How do you view your resources of time, material goods and education? Do you have an abundance mentality – enough for everyone? Or do you have a scarcity mentality (not enough to go around)? Approaching your life and things with an abundance mindset promotes being and staying encouraged!
7. Reward Yourself
As you reward others with positive words and gifts do the same for you as part of the process of self-encouragement.
8. Stay in a Learning Mindset
Be curious and interested in learning about what you do not know while taking a personal look at yourself and who you are in the process of becoming!
9. Use Personal Affirmations
Find and craft an encouragement word-statement-mantra that both anchors and encourages inspiration.
10. Read and Follow Inspiring Leaders
Seek encouragement from the written words and works of influencers whose works promote inspiration and growth!
11. Listen to Motivating Podcasts
Listen to those that inspire you to learn, connect with and grow.
12. Work With a Life Coach
Working one to one with your own coach offers at its core supportive growth-based encouragement while holding you accountable for working on what it is you want more of in your life.
13. Join a Group
Get with your tribe offering real authentic support including humor and lots of laughter.
14. Set a Personal Goal
Setting even the smallest goal to get outside your “protective comfort zone” opens up so much more doing and positive energy.
15. Look for the Bigger Picture
Go beyond what appears in the moment!
16. Do Something For Yourself
Give yourself permission to do something for you. Just let it go and off you go!
17. Be Content with Your Life Season
Whether your current place is challenging or comfortable be ok with this as you live your daily life!
18. Laugh
The ability to see the humor in even the most trying opens up good energy within countering your struggle.
19. Seek Supportive Advice
Want to be encouraged? A simple act of speaking up and asking for support from those you know and trust, goes a long way and gives you another perspective to see from another.
20. Exercise
A leisurely walk or hardcore sweat fest releases the feel-good endorphins making you feel better and better able to be encouraged.
Which tips encouraged you to make changes in your day to day life? Please share with us in the comments section below!